29 June 2010

Reinhard is a funny name

I'm going to bet that the last thing my many British readers want to hear right now is some pounding German Techno, but the shuffle cares not for such things as football results...

Without getting into the whole Techno = Minimal = Boring thing again, let's just say that you don't need to listen to a whole lot of Techno that's out there today, because most of it is minimal and boring. Shit. There I go again. I'm like a boring, minimal broken Techno record, ain't I? But really, if you just wanted to keep casually aware of what's going on in the genre without putting any effort into it, you could achieve that pretty easily by just buying Kompakt's annual Total compilation each year. Here's a little ditty from some Bratwurst-eatin' fool named Reinhard Voigt, a lesson in building tension...

Reinhard Voigt - Liebe Deine Musik (ysi)

... without quite ever releasing, but don't worry... I'm going to avoid the obvious metaphor. Anyhoo, once a year these bad boys come out and then they're gone... as you might have guessed when you saw just how much they're asking for it. As always, there are ways around that and I leave you to them...

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