17 October 2011


Sometimes I blog hand-picked nuggets personally and lovingly selected for your maximum listening pleasure and then painstakingly craft entertaining yet informative words to surround and nurture them.... and then sometimes I take the easy way out...

So I heard this Willie Bobo tune on KJazz this weekend and was kinda lovin' it...

Willie Bobo - Fried Neckbones And Some Homefries (ysi)

And here's a recipe I totally stole from another blog... SUE ME!


Here’s what you’ll need:

* about 2½ pounds of fresh pork neckbones
* If your supermarket doesn’t carry fresh pork neckbones, it means that the po’ folks don’t shop there. Change supermarkets or move to a better neighborhood. ½ cup cooking oil

* 1 Tbsp garlic powder
* 2 tsps salt
* 1 tsp black pepper
* 6 cups of water
* 1 onion, sliced
* ½ bunch of chopped green onions, about 4

* Use the ½ cup of cooking oil and brown the neckbones, turning them frequently.

* When the neckbones are browned, add the chopped green onion, the sliced onion and the spices.

* Add water and bring to boil.

* Cover pot with tight-fitting lid and simmer on low for 1½ hours. Stir once or twice.

* After 1½ hours of simmering,Skim fat if desired.

* Simmer 15 more minutes and turn off fire. Stir once.

* Wait 15 more minutes and eat.



* 2 tablespoons bacon grease
* 2 tablespoons butter
* 6 medium-sized peeled, cold cooked potatoes, sliced or diced, about 2 pounds
* 1 medium onion, diced or sliced
* 1 cup finely chopped celery
* 1/2 cup chopped green pepper
* Salt and black pepper, to taste
* Dash of seasoning salt, onion salt or powder, to taste


Heat the bacon grease and butter in a large skillet over high heat. When the fat is hot, add the potatoes and other vegetables. Lower the heat to medium and cook, stirring them often, until the potatoes are nicely browned on all sides. Season with about 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper to start.

Cover with a tight-fitting lid and cook for 15 to 20 minutes or until well browned. Stir, taste, and add your chosen seasonings as the potatoes cook. Add more grease if necessary, but not too much. Home Fries should never be swimming in fat.

When the potatoes are brown and crisp, remove them from the heat. Drain on paper towels and serve.

NOTE – When you cook the potatoes, don’t overcook them, remembering that you have about 15 to 20 minutes cooking time when you are frying them. I cook mine just long enough to elimate some of the rawness, but firm enough to hold their shape. Or, if you prefer, you can use raw potatoes, it’s up to you.

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