15 December 2011

Bearish on Beats

If I have any readers left after the ass-wiping revelations discussed in my last post, this one's for you...

This might just be one of the best early morning House records I've heard in a good long minute... and I have (for what it's worth) heard a lot of House records in the early morning. It comes German producer Gabor Schablitzki who, luckily for us, decided to go by the far-easier-to-spell handle Robag Wruhme. As you can tell I meant that sarcastically. Germans and their stupid German words. I just got this German Beer the other day that's name was like one 36-letter word. The fuck? Anyhoo, the only other salient point I can think of about Mr. Robag is that from the looks of his headshot, I'm going to guess his favorite animal is the bear, if you know what I mean... merely and observation, mind you...

Robag Wruhme - Donnerkuppel (ysi)

Hmm... is that all for now? I think that's all for now. Good day...

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