A Great Gal
You see a lot of guys named Guy, but no so many gals named Gal. Discuss...

... but here's a gal for you right here... Brazilian legend Gal Costa. Now, I won't pretend to know everything about her, but I do know that she was probably the top female artist of the Tropicalia movement and was every bit as funky and out there as the boys. That said, this tune is more traditional sounding and even quite purdy...

... but here's a gal for you right here... Brazilian legend Gal Costa. Now, I won't pretend to know everything about her, but I do know that she was probably the top female artist of the Tropicalia movement and was every bit as funky and out there as the boys. That said, this tune is more traditional sounding and even quite purdy...
Gal Costa - Presente Cotidiano (ysi)