Blog-achella-geddon 2012!: Jesus Is My DJ
You're gonna think one of two things here... either A) I'm some crabby old curmudgeon who don't like anything or B) the undercard of this year's lineup sucks. I'd vote for the latter, because as you all know, I am full of nothing but love. Most of the time...
But I got no love for this gal EMA, a chick who may have listened to a little bit too much Kate Bush and My Bloody Valentine in her day because her music sounds like a bit of a cross between those two. If that combo sounds good to you, go for it...
I've got a limted amount of love for The Midnight Beast, a group of British kids who want to be Lonely Island, but just aren't funny enough yet. But give 'em time. I'll throw something up on the Facebook page for ya...
I believe that British band Wolf Gang missed the memo that having "Wolf" in your band name is so 3 years ago. But I will give them credit for one thing... I never knew Brit-Rock could sound this gay... (it's the vocals)...
Just by looking at the name R3hab you can feel that something douche-y this way comes, no? You'd be right. This guy seems like a junior varsity Afrojack/Guetta. That's not a compliment. I'm gonna take it easy on this dude, but just you wait...
Band Of Skulls are a "meh" Indie Rock band...
You might think that I should be into this band Other Lives, as they're Radiohead's latest opening act... but Radiohead, love 'em as I do, make some dodgy decisions on opening acts. I mean, they had fucking Deerhoof at one point. Yikes. I just pretend it never happened. But a YouTube commenter described Other Lives quite brilliantly: "It's like Interpol fucked The National". And, you know, one of the mottos of Blog-achella has always been "fuck Interpol". So there you have it...
GIVERS lose one point for having their band names in all caps and 10,000 points for being a shitty Arcade Fire clone...
Feed Me go the extra mile and make both Fidget House and Brostep bollocks so that they may be equally hated by everyone. Seriously, the songs are so generic I'm convinced they're made on some 99 cent iPhone app...
And Atari Teenage Riot is, quite simply, one of the worst acts in the history of recorded music. I'm not even trying to be funny when I say that.
So after all that hate we end up at...

Who he is: A French dude that looks like Jesus. Bummer. I thought he was going to be a robot. Robots are fucking cool...
What he sounds like: Gay Frenchie Disco. Which, looking most of the other DJ-related fare here, is going to be one of your few respites from the glowstick Fidget house. SO SAVOR IT!

What I think: Seriously, this guy seems to be the only dance music with any funk in that I can see. I'm not saying some of the other stuff isn't going to be good (because, well, Modeselektor for one) but... yeah, when did House music lose the funk? I BLAME GUETTA! Anyhoo, here's a gripping video of a dude spinning records...
Jesus is my DJ...
But I got no love for this gal EMA, a chick who may have listened to a little bit too much Kate Bush and My Bloody Valentine in her day because her music sounds like a bit of a cross between those two. If that combo sounds good to you, go for it...
I've got a limted amount of love for The Midnight Beast, a group of British kids who want to be Lonely Island, but just aren't funny enough yet. But give 'em time. I'll throw something up on the Facebook page for ya...
I believe that British band Wolf Gang missed the memo that having "Wolf" in your band name is so 3 years ago. But I will give them credit for one thing... I never knew Brit-Rock could sound this gay... (it's the vocals)...
Just by looking at the name R3hab you can feel that something douche-y this way comes, no? You'd be right. This guy seems like a junior varsity Afrojack/Guetta. That's not a compliment. I'm gonna take it easy on this dude, but just you wait...
Band Of Skulls are a "meh" Indie Rock band...
You might think that I should be into this band Other Lives, as they're Radiohead's latest opening act... but Radiohead, love 'em as I do, make some dodgy decisions on opening acts. I mean, they had fucking Deerhoof at one point. Yikes. I just pretend it never happened. But a YouTube commenter described Other Lives quite brilliantly: "It's like Interpol fucked The National". And, you know, one of the mottos of Blog-achella has always been "fuck Interpol". So there you have it...
GIVERS lose one point for having their band names in all caps and 10,000 points for being a shitty Arcade Fire clone...
Feed Me go the extra mile and make both Fidget House and Brostep bollocks so that they may be equally hated by everyone. Seriously, the songs are so generic I'm convinced they're made on some 99 cent iPhone app...
And Atari Teenage Riot is, quite simply, one of the worst acts in the history of recorded music. I'm not even trying to be funny when I say that.
So after all that hate we end up at...

Who he is: A French dude that looks like Jesus. Bummer. I thought he was going to be a robot. Robots are fucking cool...
What he sounds like: Gay Frenchie Disco. Which, looking most of the other DJ-related fare here, is going to be one of your few respites from the glowstick Fidget house. SO SAVOR IT!

What I think: Seriously, this guy seems to be the only dance music with any funk in that I can see. I'm not saying some of the other stuff isn't going to be good (because, well, Modeselektor for one) but... yeah, when did House music lose the funk? I BLAME GUETTA! Anyhoo, here's a gripping video of a dude spinning records...
Jesus is my DJ...
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