19 January 2012

Blog-achella-geddon 2012!: X Marks The Pop Star

So that whole Internet blackout thing was pretty successful yesterday, sounds like. I'm pretty happy about that... 'cuz I don't want my shit shut down, yo! I'M PROVIDING A PUBLIC SERVICE HERE, DAMMIT! Making the world a better place and shit. You're welcome, humanity. Now back to the show, and I don't even have to skip anyone today...

Ximena Sariñana

Who she is: A successful Mexican singer/songwriter (I'd call Grammy nominations successful, no matter what you think of them... and I don't think much. But it certainly infers a modicum of success, no?) who has moved to L.A. and decided to become an English language Pop star.

What she sounds like: Better than a hell of a lot of the Pop I'm hearing these days, and I'm quite familiar with the Billboard charts due to my Chelsea Lately warm-up DJ gig, wherein I dutifully peddle Chart Pop dross to the masses. There's not a ton of Latin influence in the sound, but then when you see that her main collaborator on this record is the dude from The Bird & The Bee (who know their way around a Pop hook quite well indeed), I guess that's not as surprising. The obviously girl's going for the big crossover score...

Ximena Sariñana - Echo Park (ysi)

What I think: This is totally working for me. I may be Mr. Underground & Obscure most of the time but I can't deny a great Pop hook and this gal's got plenty of 'em. Her voice may be a little rough around the edges, but I can deal with it. Besides, she even rocks her own laptop. I don't see any of those other Pop bitches doin' that. YOUR MOVE, BEYONCE! Actually I bring Beyonce up for a reason, because according to this article, Ximena was actually smart enough to tell Diplo (the man largley responsible for a Beyonce's just absolutely monumentally shitty latest album from what I understand) to go fuck himself. This girl's goin' places, I tells ya...

You can also check out some Ximena bonus content at the Tonegents Facebook page. I'll be posting a lot of extra bits there throught this thing. Word...

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