10 March 2008

Blog-achella 08: Hey, these guys don't totally suck!

Call that a backhanded complement if you will, but here's the facts...


Who they are: A band from the Bay Area, which is often a good sign. How about in this case?

What they sound like: For some reason I'd been led to believe that these guys are nothing but a crappy hard rock band, and I think that's how they started out, but it's actually a bit more interesting than that...

Dredg - Bug Eyes (ysi)

What I think: See? Still kinda heavy but not that terrible at all. Between listening to this track and others, it seems Dredg have a little bit of Brit-Rock in 'em... they're unafraid to go big and epic and they have some nice atmospheric stuff going on is some of their tunes... plus the singer is half decent. Color me moderately impressed, but maybe not enough to check 'em out if they're against strong competition... guess that means... "meh".

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