There's a girl upstairs talkin' to plants...
Today I present to you the second-greatest song about doing psychedelic mushrooms ever (second, of course, to this one, which was, oddly enough, also made by a dude named Marshall... coincidence? I THINK NOT!

Now, I don't imagine that this will be the first time you've heard of Professional White Rapper Eminem. He is, from what I gather, kind of a big deal. And... here's where I lose the Indie cred that I don't have in the first place... I've been a huge fan right from the git-go. Dude is a great writer, has amazing flow, and I don't care how many songs he does about strangling, shooting or otherwise doing unpleasant things to his ex-wife, sometimes a brotha's just gotta vent, yo! And this record got me through one of the worst jobs I've ever had. It was a stupid game show for MTV on which I pulled 20 hour days for six months straight and I WISH I WAS EXAGGERATING! Usually around midnight/1 AM each night The Slim Shady LP would be busted out, blasted loud and the P.A. would be sent to Gil Turner's for a beer run. It was pretty much the only thing that got us through it...

And also, um... this...

Now, I don't imagine that this will be the first time you've heard of Professional White Rapper Eminem. He is, from what I gather, kind of a big deal. And... here's where I lose the Indie cred that I don't have in the first place... I've been a huge fan right from the git-go. Dude is a great writer, has amazing flow, and I don't care how many songs he does about strangling, shooting or otherwise doing unpleasant things to his ex-wife, sometimes a brotha's just gotta vent, yo! And this record got me through one of the worst jobs I've ever had. It was a stupid game show for MTV on which I pulled 20 hour days for six months straight and I WISH I WAS EXAGGERATING! Usually around midnight/1 AM each night The Slim Shady LP would be busted out, blasted loud and the P.A. would be sent to Gil Turner's for a beer run. It was pretty much the only thing that got us through it...

And also, um... this...
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