21 February 2012

Blog-achella-geddon 2012!: Many Swedish Things

Finishing out the Friday lineup with some stone cold playaz... but first...

We start with Arctic Monkeys, who are just "meh" for me. They got a couple good ones, don't get me wrong, but yeah... "meh"...

Refused is some legendary Swedish Punk band that I've never heard of. I'm not really sold on the whole concept of Swedish Punk, though. I mean, Sweden's pretty fucking awesome. What do they have to be pissed about? You gotta be pissed to be punk, no?

I believe I've mentioned this before... but for some reason Pulp is the only big Brit-Rock band I just never gave a shit about. I don't mean that in a bad way... I mean I have absolutely no opinion of Pulp either way. Wouldn't know a Pulp song if I tripped over it. And I am totally okay with that...

And Swedish House Mafia... oy... tell you what. In the interest of saving time, I'll just say they can eat a bag of dicks. Swedish dicks. Which are just like Swedish Fish, except that they're dicks...

Which brings us to your Friday headliner...

The Black Keys

Who they are: Akron's #1 sons, especially since that other dude took his talents to South Beach.

What they sound like: They just sound better and better...

The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (ysi)

What I think: These guys have gone from "eh, they're kinda interesting" to "you know, this is pretty good" to "the best American Rock band, period" in the space of a few years. Why? Because despite being very (and in the drummer's case, VERY) white, they are well in touch with their inner black men, which is pretty much the key for making good music. Because you know what you get when a band isn't in touch with their inner black men? This...

We're from the streets... well, actually it's more of a cul-de-sac

... and we can all agree that's not good. But you wanna see something good? Here's the Keys from last year's Coachella... the whole dang set, no less...

Thanks, Interwebs!

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