So, for some reason, this morning as I went about getting ready for my day, I decided that these two songs would go together. Why? Beats the hell outta me...

I don't post a lot of Rock around here, but I've got plenty of it in my collection, because I'm all well rounded and shit. I've always thought black dudes who rock are a bit extra-cool, and D.C. punk legends
Bad Brains sure know how to rock out... for a bunch of Rastas, that is. Smokin' all that ganja usually makes folks kinda mellow and Dorito-fiendy, but not these dudes! I think I've always particularly loved this song for the cool a capella intro, but it's pretty damn kick-ass all the way through...
Bad Brains - Soul Craft

Yup, sometimes you just gotta throw on the ol' combat boots and hop in the pit. I used to do that, but because I weigh a buck-40 soaking wet, it didn't work out too well for me sometimes. Dudes would literally pick me up and throw me around like a football. No bueno!
But how about some music you would expect from Rastas... only from a Canadian ex-pat living in the Netherlands...

I'm talking about the heavy heavy dub, and ya can't get much heavier than this record by
Twilight Circus Dub Soundsystem. I remember picking up a promo CD of this at a dollar sale that had crayon drawing on it with gold and silver stars stuck all over. Weird. But in it's own way, just as intense as the Bad Brains...
Twilight Circus Dub Soundsystem - The Ride

Talk about a track living up to it's title, eh? So, to recap... um, err... who knows? It's a random kind of week, folks...