I'm gonna skip We Were Promised Jetpacks today although I do sympathize with the name. I'd like to know where the fuck my flying car is, too. IT'S 2012! WHY AM I STILL ON THE FUCKING GROUND?!?!?
Who he is: He is actually Mr. Stuart Price, a Brit who for some reason wants to pretend he is French. Maybe it's to explain how bad he smells. He also goes by Les Rhythmes Digitales, the Thin White Duke (for remixing) and about 10 other aliases. He's probably most famous for his collaborations with Madonna (i.e. Confessions On A Dancefloor). We shall call him Stu-Jacques.
What he sounds like: Whatever you wanna call him, Stu-Jacques has been a dependable source of funky House for over a decade. And while he mostly does his thang as a much-in-demand remixer these days (for big Pop acts like The Killers, Seal, Gwen Stefani... you get the idea), I'm gonna take you in the way-back machine for a stone cold classic...
Before we get back to the big list, I just wanted to let you know that I'm gonna post up a bunch of the old DJ mixes I've done for the blog (which aren't available anymore) on the Mixcloud. Here's the first, click and get a Brazilian. I'll wait...
And now back to your previously scheduled program...
Suedehead is what happens when a bunch of white people from Orange county with no soul try to start a soul band. "But, Tone", you say, "there's a black guy in the band." That's the thing... THERE ALWAYS IS! That's how they get you. But the thing is... the black guy's from Orange County, too. "Ahhhhh", you say...
It seems like this Destructo guy has been around for a while... the name sounds familiar to my old raver ears. But seems that he's part of the whole HARD kiddie fidget house crew, so I scoff...
Mt. Eden sounds like a nice place until you realize all the radio stations there play nothing but fart-inducing Brostep...
We Are Augustines? No, you are a poorly-named Indie Rock band I'm not even comfortable giving a "meh" to...
Now, I fully suspected that I would be giving some love to Dragonette since they've made those fun jams with Martin Solveig lately, but you know what? On their own, they're kinda just some so/so Electro-Pop...
And you're gonna start to think I dislike Dubstep if I keep shitting on all these Dubstep acts, but I posit that it is they who are picking shitty Dubstep acts. Like Borgore. Shitty. But our next act is hot shit. In case you're confused, that's a good thing. "Shit" is a very flexible adjective...
Who he is: From Austin, Texas we have a young, honest-to-goodness bluesman.... Huzzah!
What he sounds like: A little bit BB King, a little bit Jimi, and a little bit Hip-Hop (in attitude and funkiness). I'd read Rolling Stone's raves about this guy and become interested... after listening to his debut EP, I've become converted...
And the first name on the bill is Pure Filth Sound which appears to be a collective of Dubstep DJs from LA. So... maybe something bad, maybe something good. And then we get our first new discovery of the day...
Who they are: A boy/girl group from Athens... Greece. You thought I was gonna say Georgia, didn't you? But then this would probably some twangy Indie Folk shit and not on this blog. BTW, I hear Greece is a just incredible place to vacation right now...
What they sound like: A throwback to the old Chick + Knob (twiddler) tradition (see: every act of the '90s), making sexy downtempo with sexy vocals and being generally sexy. And it's got a little bit of the Chillwave vibe to it on a couple of the songs which gives it enough of an update to not sound completely derivative of '90s Trip-Hop. Dig it...
Finishing out the Friday lineup with some stone cold playaz... but first...
We start with Arctic Monkeys, who are just "meh" for me. They got a couple good ones, don't get me wrong, but yeah... "meh"...
Refused is some legendary Swedish Punk band that I've never heard of. I'm not really sold on the whole concept of Swedish Punk, though. I mean, Sweden's pretty fucking awesome. What do they have to be pissed about? You gotta be pissed to be punk, no?
I believe I've mentioned this before... but for some reason Pulp is the only big Brit-Rock band I just never gave a shit about. I don't mean that in a bad way... I mean I have absolutely no opinion of Pulp either way. Wouldn't know a Pulp song if I tripped over it. And I am totally okay with that...
And Swedish House Mafia... oy... tell you what. In the interest of saving time, I'll just say they can eat a bag of dicks. Swedish dicks. Which are just like Swedish Fish, except that they're dicks...
What I think: These guys have gone from "eh, they're kinda interesting" to "you know, this is pretty good" to "the best American Rock band, period" in the space of a few years. Why? Because despite being very (and in the drummer's case, VERY) white, they are well in touch with their inner black men, which is pretty much the key for making good music. Because you know what you get when a band isn't in touch with their inner black men? This...
We're from the streets... well, actually it's more of a cul-de-sac
... and we can all agree that's not good. But you wanna see something good? Here's the Keys from last year's Coachella... the whole dang set, no less...
Who they are: You know who they are and you know you fuckin' love "Fade Into You" when you're feelin' all grey and moist so stop hatin', haterz.
What they sound like: You'll be surprised to hear that their new album is being produced by... Afrojack! Ok, not really... Did I get any of you on that one? Huh? Did I? No?
Who he is: Mr. Anthony Gonzalez up there... another Frenchy. He's got friends to help him play live, though...
What he sounds like: You like big epic synth pads that go on for days? You'll love this guy. He's added more vocals as of late... his own, no less... and still managed to not suck. That may seem snarky, but sometimes it's better when producers don't dream of being singers. I'm looking at you Moby...
What I think: You might not think that something this shoegaze-y would be my cup of tea, but hey... we all gotta brood sometime. You know you used to be down with Ride and Slowdive, so don't front. Besides, I randomly saw him live a few years ago at Coachella before I had really heard any of his music and quite liked him. So there...
It seems that every year there is one electronic act at Coachella with an audio/visual experience that tries to top anything done before. We'll get to this year's in a second. But first...
GIRLS is, to start, a band of two dudes, so eyes rolling already... I mean, can a couple of dudes who call themselves GIRLS even possibly be any good? (The answer is no.)
Jimmy Cliff I got no problem with... but since when did Tim Armstrong become the go-to White Guy Reggae Guy? Because he had a Ska band 20 years ago? It sure doesn't have anything to do with Rancid (who kinda lived up to their name... never a fan). I mean, the you only have to go as far as THE VERY NEXT ACT ON THE BILL to find dudes more qualified in White Guy Reggae...
IT'S THE HEAVY HEAVY MONSTER SOUND! But I don't need to write a whole post about Madness, do I? Do I really?... Didn't think so. You can go watch a video and get your skank on at the Facebook page however...
And I got nothin' against Cat Power, per se... but at this point, "meh". Which, one way or the other, is never a word anyone will use to describe...
Who he is: The Brazilain beat man has been around for quite a while now, and here's a fun fact: Not only is his real name Amon Tobin, his real name is Amon Adonai Santos de Araújo Tobin. That's a name you'd love to touch (but you mustn't)...
What he sounds like: Tobin is known for laying down some of the fiercest beats in Drum & Bass, but that shit is nowhere to be found on his new record/multi-media mindfuck ISAM. This stuff is atmospheric, disjointed and downright creepy...
Gotta start this post with four simple words that equal excellence: New. York. Football. Giants! Another great win and another amazing game. I bet Tom Brady went home and cried himself to sleep on his supermodel...
See, that's why I hate that guy. EVEN WHEN HE LOSES, HE WINS! Fuckin' prick. I hope Welker moustache rapes him. Anyhoo, in celebration here's a NY band. How's THAT for on-the-nose?
Who they are: One of the bands that started the whole Dance-Punk revival (or whatever the hell you want to call it) waaaaaaaaay back near the dawn of the century.
What they sound like: A little bit o' Rock, a little bit o' Dance, and a whole lot o' catchy... which is scientifically proven to be a solid formula when done right. And these guys certainly do it right...
I mean, as if kids aren't annoying enough without being infinitely more talented than you. Little bastards. More on that in a sec...
... but today we start with Marlon Brando's favorite band, The Horrors. GET IT?!?! I KILL ME! But seriously, folks, these guys kinda have a bit of an Echo & The Bunnymen thing going on (shocking) which is sometimes better than others. I do quite like one of their tunes, and you kind find that on the Facebook page...
Also, we have M. Ward, who's just as "meh" as ever. It's called consistency, people... something today's featured artist is not old enough to even know how to achieve...
Who he is: He's that kid in the picture. No really. He's 17. He's French. He's playing Coachella. I hate him so much.
What he sounds like: His sample heavy house is kind of like if Daft Punk fucked Akufen. I'm telling you, this kid has absolutely no business being this good at music. I wanna punch him in his little French face...
Mucho bummed about the passing of my man Don Cornelius, but more on that later perhaps. In the meantime, here's an artist that could definitely rock Soul Train...
Who he is: The crooner in the Odd Future posse. I'm not really sold on their whole thing, but this guy's the exception.
What he sounds like: It's that new, moody R&B that's been growing on me lately. Not to mention The Weeknd again... but it's this guy and The Weeknd that are the ones doin' it best. Hell, I can almost even get behind Drake... almost... Now I know this song has been blogged a-plenty, but how can I not blog a song that talks about Coachella in my Coachella blog? Say that shit five times fast...
The music posted on this blog is for evaluation purposes only and will be removed after a short time... so if you like it... support the artists, dammit! Buy the records, go to the shows, give them a ride to the airport if they need it! Don't be a schmuck! If you are an artist or scary lawyer type and want something removed from here, just holla and it's gone! I'm easy like that!