08 March 2011

Blog-achella Goes To '11: In Which The Terrorists Lose...

Ok, so I'm gonna try and stop listening to the new Ghostpoet record long enough to knock out a post. That record is all up in my shit right now, lemme tells ya. Peep a sample at the Facebook page and join up while you're there. Just for shits and giggles, ya dig...

Skipping past Andy C although he is a really top-notch Drum & Bass DJ. But dude hasn't put a record of his own shit out since the mid-90s, so no post for him! Go check him out for the jump-up, though...

Bomba Estereo

Who they are: A band from Colombia. (Insert cocaine joke here).

What they sound like: Cumbia mixed with Electronica mixed with Pop. You may be thinking that doesn't sound that great on paper... but it sounds pretty good on record...

Bomba Estereo - Feelin' (ysi)

What I think: Who doesn't love a little Latin music in the afternoon? The terrorists, that's who. Don't be a terrorist...

All right, we're really pickin' up the pace 'round here, aren't we? We'll see if that lasts...

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