10 December 2008

Mr. Good Vibes

Hey ho hiya! Wet day in Los Angeles... I almost expect to see an ark floating down the street. Only in L.A, instead of Noah saving two of each kind of animal, it would be Nacho stealing two of each kind of vehicle--


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--so then I says to the guy, "Hey, get your hand out of there! I'm not French!" Anyhoo, on to today's tune...

It's a bit odd that vibes player/cool dude Roy Ayers hasn't gotten his own post around here yet, since the ubiquitous one has appeared on 3 of my DJ mixes... so yeah, I dig his stuff quite a bit. And despite the title of this song, it isn't a slow jam, it's more of a smoky funker... whatever the hell that means...

(Would you believe this just got DMCA'd two years after it's original posting? It's not even up on my Mediafire account anymore. Gay.)

Full disclosure: I actually don't own this album... this track is from the Southport Weekender Vol. 3 compilation. That is a series what will melt your face, folks. But the thing is, I couldn't pass up the original cover art. What a stud...

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