Clown Power!
So who went to Coachella? Did anyone follow my recommendations? Were they dead-on or dead in the water? Please share with the class... and now, your full return to regular Tonegents programming commences...

Fila Brazillia is another one of those acts that I'm quite shocked to find hasn't had a dedicated post here at Tonegents. I'd also be quite shocked if that last sentence was grammatically correct, but that's neither here not there. I'm thirdly shocked to read that the two pasty British dudes that made up Fila have parted ways... because I always thought they were just so cute together... oh wait, I'm thinking of Jen Aniston & Vince Vaughn. Anyhoo, they did have a decade-long run and were quite prolific... how many electronic acts have managed ten quality full-lengths, huh? Not so many. Here's a tune...

Fila Brazillia is another one of those acts that I'm quite shocked to find hasn't had a dedicated post here at Tonegents. I'd also be quite shocked if that last sentence was grammatically correct, but that's neither here not there. I'm thirdly shocked to read that the two pasty British dudes that made up Fila have parted ways... because I always thought they were just so cute together... oh wait, I'm thinking of Jen Aniston & Vince Vaughn. Anyhoo, they did have a decade-long run and were quite prolific... how many electronic acts have managed ten quality full-lengths, huh? Not so many. Here's a tune...
Fila Brazillia - Little Hands Rouge (ysi)
And since it is 4/20 after all, I guess I should give you some weed-related content, so how about this?
See, I knew Hurley wasn't crazy. He's just a stoner...
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