07 April 2008

Blog-achella 08: Curse you, Death Cab!

Hey hey, it's Monday, and today we're gonna wrap up Saturday...

... starting by glossin' right over Cafe Tacuba. Now here's the thing with these guys... they would be a good band if their singer didn't have such a weird-ass voice. He sounds like some sort of troll guarding some Mexican bridge somewhere and he wants a cookie for you to pass. I'm not even talkin' out my butt here... I saw them at the Hollywood Bowl last year, and although the largely Mexican crowd were losing their collective shit the whole time, I was like, "Damn, dude... what's with the troll voice?"... just sayin'... anyhoo, the next band I was tempted to gloss over too, but for one small fact...

Death Cab For Cutie

Who they are: They are the sensitive side of Seattle. They prefer sweaters over flannel, Chai lattes over Red Hook Lagers, and book club readings of David Eggers to banging the shit out of slutty groupies.

What they sound like: Okay, here's the thing... normally these guys are a bit too twee to really do much for me, but dammit if they didn't make possibly the most perfect Pop song of the Oughts... and I hate them for it...

Death Cab For Cutie - Soul Meets Body (ysi)

What I think: If I were to catch 'em, it'd have to be because I psychically knew exactly what time they were going to play that song, and then I'd feel like such a wuss for going out of my way to hear it... so no deal!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would be tempted to gloss over Cafe Tacuba, but their track "Eres" is really beautiful. They finished their bowl set with it last year and, it being my favorite of theirs, made the rest of their set worth it to weather just to hear Eres live.
If there is time I would hit death cab and cafe!