The Return of Nino
The shuffle starts our week off with a short, but sweet, song...

Ammoncontact is another one of the 2,748 projects of L.A.'s ubiquitous Carlos Nino, this one a team-up with one Mr. Fabain Ammon (check out one of Carlos' other groups, soul-jazz outfit Build An Ark, here). The tunes are real heady, abstract instrumental hip-hop, except on this album they have vocals on almost all tracks, hence the clever album title. Anyhoo, here's your taste, with vocals by, I think, this guy. I think. Feel free to correct me...

You know who loves this record? Gilles. What, you think I could go for much longer without mentioning my man-crush? Silly you.

Ammoncontact is another one of the 2,748 projects of L.A.'s ubiquitous Carlos Nino, this one a team-up with one Mr. Fabain Ammon (check out one of Carlos' other groups, soul-jazz outfit Build An Ark, here). The tunes are real heady, abstract instrumental hip-hop, except on this album they have vocals on almost all tracks, hence the clever album title. Anyhoo, here's your taste, with vocals by, I think, this guy. I think. Feel free to correct me...
Ammoncontact - Ropepe (ft. Najite) (ysi)

You know who loves this record? Gilles. What, you think I could go for much longer without mentioning my man-crush? Silly you.
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