Considering the fact that I woke up today and flipped on the TV to back-to-back Greco-Roman Wrestling and Women's Ping-Pong (it's not "table tennis", okay... it's fucking Ping-Pong... deal with it), I guess you can tell that I'm a total Olympics junkie. So, for you--
Wait a minute... do you think I should reword the title of this post? Tee-hee.
Anyhoo, yeah, the
Special Olympics rule, Michael Phelps is half-man/half-beast (or rather, all-meast) and I might actually enjoy it if the U.S. Basketball team loses again, because Kobe Bryant is a cock. There, I said it. Also, I find it kind of odd and ironic that athletes diving into a pool of water are not allowed to make a splash. That's some kung-fu mindgame shit right there...

"You heard me! No splash! Question me and die!"
I could go on with such comedic musings for days! Be grateful that I won't. On to the musica...

What better way to cash in on Olympics-mania than to put out some product with a vague-to-downright dodgy allusion of a tie-in to the games? That's what the marketing geniuses at Great Stuff Recordings thought, and this is what they came up with. A two disc set of artists from different countries doing songs and then naming them for their countries! You know what that is? Genius! Because suckers like me fall for that kinda shit every time. I love me some high-concept. But is it any good? Well, it's Techno, so the answer is... it's kinda hit and miss, just like Archery. My favorite track is the Spanish production from
David Amo and
Julio Navas. This one's some serious bass-driven funky Techno biznezz. Max volume required...
David Amo & Julio Navas - Spain (ysi)

If nothing else, that song is certainly a lot more fun than
what happened to this guy. Snap! Somebody call Joe Theisman...