Blog-achella X: Shooting You In The Face With Lasers
Anyhoo, The Cribs are apparently the band Johnny Marr is in now. They are not as good as his old band, but I'm sure the singer is far more agreeable.
The Whitest Boy Alive is apparently the band Erlend Oye is in now. They're quite good on record and I was gonna give 'em a post until I watched some YouTubes. Homeboy doesn't seem to have it when singing live and I hate when that happens. But here's a cut anyway...
The Whitest Boy Alive - Timebomb (ysi)

Calle 13 is some sort of Reggaeton thing which, no.
Then we have the return of The Avett Brothers, who I covered the last time they played, and guess what... they may be cooler than your average bluegrass act, but they're still a bluegrass act, which means...

But I kid...
Also covered here at Tonegents for his last Coachella appearance is DJ Erol Alkan. He's quite good and has a lot of mixes floating about the intewebs for you to peruse. Go check him out...
And then you have your celebrity vanity music project of the year, Zooey Deschanel's She & Him which I just kind of reject on concept alone. It's my blog and I can do that...
So who do ya like, Tone?
Fever Ray

Who she is: Karen Dreijer, the singer from The Knife and one batshit-crazy bitch. And I say that with love...
What she sounds like: Hmmm... well, kinda like The Knife, but you didn't need me to tell you that... and kinda like Bjork, but you probably didn't need me to tell you that either. So let's just say Fever Ray's debut sounds like one of the Best Albums of 2009 easily, a dark Pop masterpiece...
Fever Ray - When I Grow Up (ysi)

And imagine if the sound on that clip was better... promises to be the show of the day Friday, or I will personally buy you a churro. Have a great weekend, folks...