Blog-achella '07 - Brazilian Girls (Fri.) / Brother Ali (Fri.)
Finally we get some hip-hop today, but first...

Who they are: They are zero Brazilians and only one girl. What gives?
What they sound like: They call their sound "melting pop", which is terribly clever and cutesy... but sort of fitting what with their different musical touches and songs in different languages and stuff, so we'll allow it.
Now, usually I like to give you something as new as possible and these kids do have a newish album out... but heck, you know the chorus of this song is going to be one of the biggest Coachella sing-along moments ever, so don't even front...
What I think: I wanna know what's up with the singer gal always having her eyes covered in photos and even during the shows. Does she have like a Thom Yorke eye on one side and a Forest Whitaker eye on the other or some shit? Because if that's the case, it's probably a good move. Otherwise, it's just kinda weird. Looking at the Friday schedule, I'd call these guys a don't-miss act. 'Cuz, ya know, fuck Interpol. (See that? There wasn't even any reason for me to say that there. But I did. You know why? 'Cuz fuck Interpol, that's why! Yes, new readers (and I assume there may be a few after Plasticgod gave me the promo... thanks, sir!), this blog comes with some serious, occasionally completely unfounded biases that you will come to know and maybe even love, and one of them is "fuck Interpol", especially Carlos D.)

Who he is: A Minneapolis rapper and a guy who takes the concept of the white rapper to a whole new level. How so, you ask? Because he's a freakin' albino!
What he sounds like: A bit angry. But I would be too if my eyes were bright red and light hurt my freakin' skin! And um, he's pretty good. Nice beats.
What I think: Considering that this year there seems to be nowhere near enough hip-hop in the lineup, a must-see for the headz. Seriously, there's like 3 hip-hop acts each day, and that's ridiculous. There should be an all hip-hop stage like there used to be. Because, ya know, there's five stages and because fuck Interpol!

Who they are: They are zero Brazilians and only one girl. What gives?
What they sound like: They call their sound "melting pop", which is terribly clever and cutesy... but sort of fitting what with their different musical touches and songs in different languages and stuff, so we'll allow it.
Now, usually I like to give you something as new as possible and these kids do have a newish album out... but heck, you know the chorus of this song is going to be one of the biggest Coachella sing-along moments ever, so don't even front...
What I think: I wanna know what's up with the singer gal always having her eyes covered in photos and even during the shows. Does she have like a Thom Yorke eye on one side and a Forest Whitaker eye on the other or some shit? Because if that's the case, it's probably a good move. Otherwise, it's just kinda weird. Looking at the Friday schedule, I'd call these guys a don't-miss act. 'Cuz, ya know, fuck Interpol. (See that? There wasn't even any reason for me to say that there. But I did. You know why? 'Cuz fuck Interpol, that's why! Yes, new readers (and I assume there may be a few after Plasticgod gave me the promo... thanks, sir!), this blog comes with some serious, occasionally completely unfounded biases that you will come to know and maybe even love, and one of them is "fuck Interpol", especially Carlos D.)

Who he is: A Minneapolis rapper and a guy who takes the concept of the white rapper to a whole new level. How so, you ask? Because he's a freakin' albino!
What he sounds like: A bit angry. But I would be too if my eyes were bright red and light hurt my freakin' skin! And um, he's pretty good. Nice beats.
What I think: Considering that this year there seems to be nowhere near enough hip-hop in the lineup, a must-see for the headz. Seriously, there's like 3 hip-hop acts each day, and that's ridiculous. There should be an all hip-hop stage like there used to be. Because, ya know, there's five stages and because fuck Interpol!
A common misconception (I thought the same thing), but just so you know Brother Ali while albino is indeed born to African American parents... so technically he's not a white boy.
D'oh! I hadn't thought of that! But then again, it is just comedy ;)
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