One of the reasons that my original tunes aren't amazing is that I can't play any musical instruments. I used to play clarinet, yeah, but that doesn't count and is really gay and embarassing. My good pal Sebastian Ciceri, however, does have ridiculous talent and can play just about anything. So I lifted a snippet of him playing bass from a YouTube vid he posted and made a song out of it and it doesn't suck at all, which is nice...
Another thing that doesn't suck is Shuffleupagus Radio, mostly because it contains music by pretty much anyone other than me. Here's the last episode of the year...
So here's one I missed... which is odd, since it involves one of my favorite bands going, the mighty, mighty Dub machine known as Fat Freddy's Drop. Apparently, Ninja Tune operative and confirmed Russian DJ Vadim did this whole remix EP without informing me. Which just goes to prove that Russians are dicks. Actually "remix" doesn't even quite describe what he does to these songs, as he's also added vocals from a female singer and a rapper. Interesting...
If you like this one, all 6 tracks are available for DL. And you can hear the Drop's amazing singer, Joe Dukie, in this week's radio show...
But Robinn does! Well, not Batman's totally-not-homosexual sidekick... but this new producer with a debut album out on the mighty Compost label. See what I did there. I'll give you a second for your mind to get un-blown...
... Ok. So, not a lot of info on this guy out there, so let's let the music do the informing. See what I did there? I AM ON FUCKING FIRE TODAY, PEOPLE! Anyhoo, real nice future bass niceness and a free DL...
And here's the part where I plug Shuffleupagus Radio. New episode tomorrow. Don't sleep! Especially if you are at the controls of some heavy machinery...
One of the main men in Jazzanova, Alex Barck is set to release his first solo album, called Reunion. He gave it that name because he recorded on the Island of Reunion, which is located off Madagascar and for some reason is technically part of France. So that must be amazing for them. I'll bet they totally brag about that at parties... Anyhoo, the whole thing is streaming on Soundcloud right now, and it's a super-deep trip. This one featuring vocals by Christine Salem is my favorite, I think...
And that segues rather nicely into the fact that the latest Shuffleupagus episode contains a Jazzanova remix. Boom...
A saxomaphone/clarinet player, a tuba player and two drummers. Acoustic. Rocking an Afro/Caribbean Jazz vibe. That's interesting. That's also Sons Of Kemet, the latest project involving Mr. Tom Skinner, who's quickly becoming a favorite around here. Now, I should probably give you an original, but this remix, by Brownswood operative Alex Patchwork happens to be available for free download. Do I look out for you kids or what? Enjoy the Acoustic Afrobeat Dubstep (you heard me) vibe...
And here's where I tell you to check out Shuffleupagus Radio, an important part of any nutritious breakfast.
It's always nice to find a quality, proper Deep House long-player these days. And Swiss producer Sam Geiser, aka Deetron seems to have provided us with one right here. Can't think of any clever dick jokes to relate to this post, so just have a listen...
One of my all-time faves in the Groovy-Ass Latin/African/Broken Beats That Make My Pants Happy genre, Da Lata has just released a new album. Huzzah! Grab this free sample, then go out and buy that shit...
Also, Shuffleupagus Radio is now rollin' five episodes deep, so don't sleep...
Look, I'll be the first to admit that I'd never heard of Omar Souleyman until learning that my man Kieran Hebden, aka Four Tet was producing his new record. I'm probably not alone in that, much like pretty much anyone who's not from Syria. All I know about Syria is that it's not on the top of my list of vacation destinations. I'm probably not alone in that either. But this seemingly bizarre team-up really brings the heat. Hebden doesn't make Souleyman's music a servant to his beats, but rather just gives the songs an oomph that makes you say "Yeah, this is pretty batshit crazy stuff, but you know what? I can get down." Record of the year contender...
And I've been told that Souleyman was the absolute highlight of this summer's FYF fest in LA. So that. Also, this:
So, in an effort to get more posts in, I'm gonna go with a simplified Soundcloud vibe for a while. As much as I love the format I've kept to on this blog for six years now, the internet powers that be keep making it less easy for me to roll like that. It's like they don't want you to give away their music for free anymore, WTF?!? Plus those old posts took a good long time to put together, what with all the links and HTMLs and hoohahs and geegaws... and I quite frankly just don't have the time for that shit these days. I think the ever-dwindling post count speaks to that. And even though I'm all super-focused-on and vehemently encourage you to get on board with Shuffleupagus Radio, because it's gonna be fuckin' awesome, I just can't let the original Tonegents page go away completely. So I'm gonna save the traditional randomness for the radio show and redirect Tonegents to hip you to my current obsessions. And here's one now. You're not gonna hear me rave about new Jazz vocalists too often (with the exception of my boy Jose James), but damn... this Gregory Porter cat is the truth. Dig it...
So stick around... we'll still have some fun up in here. And dick jokes, of course. There will always be dick jokes...
Last summer I was super-chuffed to find in my inbox new music from The Cutler. Go ahead and read that old post for all the deets. Well, just this week I became super-chuffed once more to find that the guys had sent me a couple of delicious selections from their new remix compilation. And since I just saw Peter Kruder DJ last Saturday, I thought I'd share with you the one from Richard Dorfmeister. And if you don't know what that means, you have a lot of catching up to do, son...
Only getting in one post this week, so let's make it weird...
... and generally when you're looking for weird, your first two stops have to be Japan and Scandinavia. So here, from Sweden, is Goat... in which a bunch of blonde Nordic types play heavy psychedelic Afrobeat with vocals from a pack of deranged schoolgirls. And it's good. No, really...
I actually have a George Duke story for you. I met him once whilst working on one of the Soul Train Awards shows. He was putting together a tribute to (I believe it was) The Isley Brothers and I got to sit down with him as he broke down the music for the medley. He was really cool I remember thinking "Damn, I'm here chatting music with a legend!" Rad moment. And... that's pretty much it. Hey, I didn't say it was an amazing George Duke story...
Jose James has has long been a favorite around here and until Friday was near the very top of the list of artists I've desperately wanted to see live but haven't. (Currently also near the top of that list... Fat Freddy's Drop, Beardyman and Portico Quartet to name a few...) And lemme tell you, when I finally got the chance, the man did not disappoint. I wouldn't have thought that the dude's voice could actually be even BETTER live, but damn... just damn. His tight-ass band brought an extra level of energy to the tracks from his new album No Beginning No End... and don't even get me started about the Bill Withers tribute. There can't be too many humans alive that can do Bill justice, but Jose is one of them. Damn. Here's a tune played Friday...
And now some video, this one featuring a solo from fantastic trumpet man Takuya Kuroda, who has his own album upcoming on Blue Note. I'll be keeping an eye out for that one...
I won't claim to be an expert on Samba... as a matter of fact, I know pretty much jack shit about Samba except that I like it and download some occasionally. You can't really dislike this music... it's so freakin' happy. I mean, I don't know any Portuguese or anything, but I'm almost positive that the lyrics to any and every Samba song ever go something along the line of "Let's grab a Caipirinha or twelve, go out to the streets and dance around with some beautiful naked girls"... but, ya know, I'm paraphrasing. Anyhoo, here's a tune from one Martinho Da Vila and it's quite nice to listen to...
Actually, I ran the song title through Babel Fish and it came out "Master, Arrests It's Cattle", so I'm gonna conclude that a) Babel Fish sucks or b) Brazilian folks have some pretty odd metaphors for getting drunk and freaky on the streets with naked girls. Anyone care to help me out on this?
... but I've been on a bit of an '80s R&B/Dance/Boogie kick lately, so get ready... it's that "big Kentucky Fried Chicken eating motherfucker" Luther Vandross, ladies! Drop those panties! I'm not saying I'm a big Luther fan, per se (because slow jamz are for GIRLS!)... but this is a nice little funky number from '82. Dig it..
Old guys trying to stay hip can be pretty sad indeed. But not in today's case...
The trio Azymuth are legends of Brazilian music, mixing in Jazz, Funk, even Disco and House at times... you would almost call them "fusion" if that wasn't such a horrible (as is any word that instantly invokes the visage of Kenny G) word that should never be used to describe music that is actually good. But their willingness to mix in these popular styles has in the modern day resulted in them being willing to have their music remixed the shit out of... to often spectacular results. There have been multiple Azymuth remix compilations, the latest being reworkings of their 2011 record Aurora. Here's one from the fantastic Mr. Ashley Beedle...
Sweet. But to see how good these three old geezers really are, just take the next hour and check out their recent performance from Gilles Peterson's Brownswood basement via The Boiler Room...
I've been on vacation and it's been a minute since the last post... so let's not fuck around and just drop a quick 'n' dirty House Music Friday on that ass...
Here, the mighty Inland Knights take Azealia Banks out behind the shed and do some naughty things to her... which, from what I gather, she's probably okay with...
I've always been somewhat hesitant to do a Old School Hip-Hop mix because A) There are sooooooooooo many of them out there already and what can I really say with this mix that hasn't already been said?... and B) I don't scratch and what's a Hip-Hop mix without scratching? But then I got stoned and said fuck it. Because 4THOFJULY'MERICAFUCKYEAH! Listen, Download, Enjoy...
Would you believe I actually made it out to another show? Me neither, but behold...
One of the cool things about L.A. is the amount of great free shows in public places that pop up every summer. There's a bunch of venues around town that host their own little series and the California Plaza's yearly Grand Performances slate is easily one of the best. This year, it kicked of with a pretty unique show featuring the ever-funky Mr. Mark de Clive-Lowe and a couple of cohorts (on drums and saxamaphone) improvising a soundtrack to a montage of classic Sci-Fi movie scenes... everything from Metropolis to The Matrix. The sound was atmospheric, jazzy & electronic, and even though it didn't always totally jibe with what was going on up on the screen (as you would expect "soundtrack" music to do) it was a pretty darn nice way to spend a warm Friday evening. Here's a taste...
So that was fun. They said he was reprising this show a little later this summer somewhere else in L.A. that I don't remember at a date I don't recall. You are welcome for that bounty of information. Anyhoo, it wouldn't be a Tonegents post without a tune, so here's one from 2005's Tide's Arising album that gives you some of Mark's usual sound, in case you didn't already know...
And check it out, it's a band called Solar Bears! Solar! Sun! Summer! See what I did there?! I'm so fucking on-the-nose like that. Anyhoo, these guys are a duo from Ireland, a country that hardly ever sees the sun from what I understand, so... um... something! It would be hard to generalize about the sound, the record's a bit all over the place (in a good way), so I won't. This is the peppiest tune on there... on kind of an old-school Italo vibe. Dig it...
Sorry for the long wait since the last post... I was busy with a large taxidermy project. Hey man, that orca's not gonna stuff itself...
Hello Skinny is a "solo" project by London multi-instrumentalist Tom Skinner (See what he did with the name there? Clever-ish!), who is cool because he plays drums for artists ranging from Matthew Herbert to Mulatu Astatke... and that, you must agree, is a pretty freakin' wide range. I wanna say they're like a darker Portico Quartet...
And here's an interview/performance which is quite interesting...
I'm gonna go ahead and give myself bonus points for the Digital Underground reference today. Because I can give myself bonus points. I just gave myself even more just now...
You know I'm not having a great idea day when I resort to a bad pun for the post title... Anyhoo, had to give y'all a few days to recover from that multiple Funk-gasm I laid on ya last week. So here's something to sit down and trip out to...
It's some brand-stinkin' new Ambient-ish goodness from a young Welsh producer who goes by the name of Koreless. But it's definitely not yoga music. This stuff is an exercise in building tension... in a good way! Dig it...
Summer, bitches! Time for grilled meats, cold beers and funky tunes. And here's a shitload of 'em. I'm bringing back the 2-CD set (CD's? CDeez Nutz!) with this 2+ hour badboy. If you can't shake your shit to this, you are probably deceased. You'll hear a few old chestnuts in there that you've heard many times before... but this one is a party rocker, not a chin stroker. Have a listen and a download and lemme know how ya like it...
And here's a band I had no idea existed when I woke up this morning...
But I got hipped to the live stream of the Primavera Sound festival from Spain and when I flipped it on, these guys were absolutely keeeeeeeling eeeeeeet. They're called Delorean, they are also from Spain and they are about as close to Animal Collective as I can tolerate. I know that doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement, but I'm giving them some shine because did I mention they were keeeeeeeling eeeeeeet live?
That webcast continues tomorrow and Saturday, with some great acts in the lineup (T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou!). Prepare to get nothing done the next couple days...
I'm not going to pretend to be any kind of expert on the Indian/Bollywood thing. I'm still just getting into it. But one thing I've figured out is that R.D. Burman is a good place to start. I have nothing to back this statement up with, but I'll just go ahead and say he was the John Williams of Bollywood. Again, I have no idea if that is even remotely accurate, but I'm sticking with it. ACCEPT IT AS GOSPEL, BITCHES!
Dubstep is practically a dirty word these days as far as I'm concerned, thanks to what the American EDM scene has done to it.
This 2009 track by Subscape is a nice example of the sound that the Skrillexes of the world took and ran with. Ran with right off a cliff into a pool of Drakkar Noir and Rohypnol. Sigh...
For a low-to-mid level music blogger, I go out to surprisingly few shows. Chalk it up to the fact that I'm old and spend most of my time TELLING THOSE GODDAMN KIDS TO GET OFF MY LAWN! But I actually made it out last Saturday a couple weeks ago, and it was a good one...
Yeah, fucking Bonobo. Holy shit. An act that's basically one dude plus vocalists in the studio throws down live with a something like 12 piece band including a horn section, string section, live drummer... all of which were, let's just say, fucking good at music. It's taken so long to get this post up that I won't try to give you a detailed review. It was just a mesmerising display of stellar musicianship. Let's just say that if you have the chance to see this show and miss it, YOU ARE BAD AT LIFE!
I wanted to take some video of my own, but I was way too out-of-my-mind stoned from this teeeeny-tiiiiny little pot brownie my friend gave me.
"It's waffer theen!"
I actually forgot it was possible to get that high off the weed. And of course after I tell you about the huge band I'm gonna post a vid of the one song that he plays practically by himself. You're used to that kind of thing from this blog by now, I'd imagine... But anyhoo... Holy moly. Good times. And apparently everyone else there was too fucked up to shoot anything as well, because I can't find a damn thing from the L.A. show on YouTube. So here's a clip from Boston, where it seems that their lighting rig was a little less LED-riffic, but still...
So basically, my entire review of the concert is "It was very good". You're welcome, world.
Not a particularly meaty post today... the artist is meaty enough himself...
Fat Man Ridim Section may be the best named studio backing band ever. The Fat Man himself was a dude named Roger Lewis... which is all the information I got about him. But Reggae legends Sly & Robbie were also members, so yeah... they were pretty good, too.
Can you imagine what it would be like if the rest of the world was as big a cultural wasteland as America? This planet would be so awful, meteors wouldn't even want to hit it...
As a label, the French imprint Kitsuné has come a long way from their Fidget House beginnings. Nowadays you can expect nothing but the best of Indie Dance music from a Kitsuné release... not just the Frenchy House, but stuff with guitars and people singing and shit! Plus they've become players in fashion world, which is such an on-the-nose French thing to do, isn't it? So yeah, a decade in and they've really found their groove. Here's one by DJ Gregory from a 2005 compilation they made exclusively for Japan, because one of the label owners is Japanese, so they're pretty big there...
You wouldn't normally expect a 60+ year-old Jazz man to hook up with a young Electronic producer and make something good, let alone worthy of a label like Tru Thoughts. But that's exactly what British saxman Larry "Stonephace" Stabbins (awesome last name, btw) did in 2009. The DJ is one Krzysztof Oktalski, who doesn't really have much else on his resume... but the product is dope, dope, dope. Dig it...
Sometimes tough love is required in this music game, and I'm here to deliver some today...
Oneness Of Juju, back in the day, were one of the most bad-ass African Funk bands around, even though they were all American. I did not know that. I even led off my legendary (sure) (what?) Funk D'Afrique mix with one of their tunes. Now? Well, they're doing Smooth Jazz covers of John Legend. Go ahead to click through and have a listen. Just know... it's Kenny G-riffic not great. Let it go, Plunky. Let it go... let us remember tunes like this one...
Obscure French Funk? Oui, S'il vous plait! Did I spell that right? (Quickly checks) YES! NAILED IT, MOTHERFUCKER!
Bernard Estardy was a French dude who mostly did Library music... and that's really all I know about the backstory, as I do not speak French. But I do know that he put out this album under his own name, and it's pretty fucking amazing. I'd think the record had been sampled more than it has... somebody needs to get on that, because there's shit like this going on...
But I don't want you to think that more-or-less straightforward Funk track is ALL there is going on... it's really a unique set. Probably the most famous track from the album is this one, which you'll agree is, well, something completely WTF... in a good way. I think the Chemical Brothers sampled that one... because of course they did.
It's the second most highly anticipated music event of 2013, next to the release of the new Daft Punk album... a new tune by Tonegent! Okay, maybe not in this universe, but definitely in the one that exists in my head. You know, the universe where trees are made of bacon and the rivers flow with beer. Mmmmm... beer... But yeah, it's been a while, and I'm pretty happy with myself to actually get something completed. Hope you like it, but if you don't... keep it to yourself, jagoff.
Yet another from the "I can't believe I've never blogged this guy" files. Wait a minute, that sounds a bit too much like a euphemism for "had butt sex with", doesn't it? Then again, I've never had butt sex with this guy either, not that I want too, not that there's anything wrong with that, so I guess... you know, I'm just gonna stop right here... MARRIAGE EQUALITY NOW!
Anyhoo, it's the Norwegian man of mystery Lindstrom, one half of the famous duo Lindstrom & Prins Thomas, in which he plays the part of Lindstrom. And he's just one of those guys where you just wanna pick up anything you see with his name on it on sight if you like the smoove grooves. Here's a tune with an amazing name...
Check it out, I'm about to drop a SXSW act on you. Hip as fuck, yo!
But don't worry, it's not another shoegaze act with either no vowels or a "V" where a "U" should be in their names. In fact, it's something I didn't even know existed... an Australian rapper!
No, really. So I turned on the Fuse network last night and there was a live show from SXSW on, an old school Hip-Hop showcase featuring Doug E. Fresh, PE, Ice Cube and LL Cool J (who lick-smacked and dick-grabbed his way through an impressive set with Z-Trip on the decks, no less!). Which was all well and good... but the dude that grabbed me was this guy Seth Sentry, an Aussie who won this little 3-way "up-and-comer" rap battle and apparently will now be opening on LL Cool J's summer tour, entertaining legions of NCIS LA fans across the country. But tell ya what, mate, this guy is good. He obliterated the rather pathetic competition with some very clever/funny rhymes and beats that weren't the typically trendy slow-and-slower thing that's been charting big while simultaneously killing Hip-Hop lately. Worst trend since Ugg Boots. Fuck off with it already. But yeah, if Macklemore & Ryan Lewis can blow up, I don't see why this guy can't...
Here's another example of this dude's funny but kinda brilliant lyrical style, via the YouTubes...
He's like The Streets of Sydney! Even though he's from Melbourne. I could have just said The Streets of Melbourne... but I like alliteration, so fuck off...
A completely random shuffle special today and it's something completely different than the last, well, quite a few posts. So there's that...
After that riveting intro, I'm sure you're now dying to feast your ears on this little ditty by Brit-Rock veterans Gomez. You know, I've got decent amount of their music but haven't given them a ton of listens... but it's good stuff from what I gather. I'll get around to it...
I reckon that great local Funk bands were the "bedroom producer with amazing shit on his Soundcloud" of yesteryear. Discuss...
Because how many compilations of this kind of stuff have you seen out there? A shitload is how many. And here's another one... with acts representing everywhere from D.C. to Oklahoma. Early '80s stuff. Pretty damn cool. This song's title does not lie...
The music posted on this blog is for evaluation purposes only and will be removed after a short time... so if you like it... support the artists, dammit! Buy the records, go to the shows, give them a ride to the airport if they need it! Don't be a schmuck! If you are an artist or scary lawyer type and want something removed from here, just holla and it's gone! I'm easy like that!