Blog-achella 08: The Anti-Christ (plus Friday wrap-up)
Jack Johnson

Who he is: Easily the most maligned Coachella daily headliner in history. But man, he's just a dude, bra. He just likes to chill and surf and drink a beer and strum his guitar, man. Why you gotta be hatin' on the dude? Why you gotta be peein' on his proverbial carpet? Whaddaya you say, Dude?

Well put!
What he sounds like: He's just up there jammin' with his bras, dude. He's just strummin' and singin' and it's vaguely funky but not really and theres a piano sometimes... but it's just so damn innocuous, dude...
Jack Johnson - If I Had Eyes (ysi)

What I think: ... which is exactly the problem, I guess. For a festival that's built it's reputation by staying away from radio pop, to have the current king of adult alternative radio pop headlining is a bit of a strange choice. Or, if you're a douchebag Indie Kid, it's the end of the feckin' world. You know what, just deal with, ya twatwaffles! There are plenty of your favorite shitty bands playing on Friday, as we've seen, so just let the people who wanna see Jack see him and enjoy him and (most importantly) shut the fuck up. Those people think your favorite band sucks, too. And you know what... they're right.
And so there you have, it... Friday's line-up. Howzabout a little quickie rundown, which I've handily divided into four categories...
Don't Miss: The Verve, Fatboy Slim, Mum, Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings, Spank Rock... yep, that's really all the acts I'd label don't miss... and that's a heckuva fine day of music by itself. But you'd also have time to see some of the bands in category 2 and make it a double heckuva fine day...
Worth A Look: The National, Pendulum, Stars, Midnight Juggernauts, Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip, Diplo, Adam Freeland, Santogold, Architecture In Helsinki, Cut Copy, Datarock, The Bees, Rogue Wave, Luckyiam... see? You're so gellin'... and you don't even have to bother with...
Meh: The Raconteurs, The Breeders, Tegan and Sara, The Swell Season, Aesop Rock, Does It Offend You, Yeah?, Minus the Bear, John Butler Trio, Busy P, Reverend & The Makers ... who, you know, if that's yer bag and all go for it, but I'll pass... which leaves...
Teh Suck: Slightly Stoopid, Battles, Les Savy Fav, Jens Lekman, Vampire Weekend, Dan Deacon, Black Kids, Sandra Collins, Black Lips, Professor Murder, Porter, American Bang... none of whom should be seen by anyone ever...
But hey, that's just my (extemely well-informed and undebatable) opinion. Next week, we begin Saturday, the day I will be attending... so I might even be arsed to put some effort into it... :P
Have a fantastic weekend!